Professional Services for Accountability Court Defendants

An Accountability Court is a specialized, problem-solving program that targets program participants with alcohol and other drug addiction and dependency problems. Richmond County’s Accountability Court offers this accepted alternative sentencing program as a structured way to reduce drug use relapse and criminal recidivism among defendants and offenders.  A Bell’s Counseling is a certified, professional service that can supervise risk and needs assessment, judicial interaction, monitoring, graduated sanctions and incentives, and other treatments to achieve rehabilitation in compliance with court orders. Working together with Bells DUI, A Bell’s Counseling offers these services in several locations around Augusta, Georgia. Turn your life back into a success story.

How Accountability Court Works

Eligible drug-addicted persons may be sent to Accountability Court in lieu of traditional justice system case processing. Accountability Court keep individuals in treatment long enough for it to work, while supervising them closely. For a minimum term of one year, participants are:

  • Evaluated, assessed and tested
  • Provided with intensive treatment and other services they require to get and stay clean and sober
  • Held accountable by the Court judge for meeting their obligations to the court, society, themselves and their families
  • Regularly and randomly tested for drug use
  • Required to appear in court frequently so that the judge may review their progress, and
  • Rewarded for doing well or sanctioned when they do not live up to their obligations.